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Infrastructure Scenarios

Infrastructure Development Scenarios for South Africa Towards 2050

Strategic Foresight Report

The Infrastructure Development Scenarios for South Africa towards 2050 begins with analyzing the opportunities and challenges presented by the incorporation of intelligent “intelligence” into South Africa’s infrastructure. This project investigates how, over the next 30 years, we can consider, apply, and evaluate the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) science and technology in the design and implementation of smart intelligent infrastructure to ensure a robust, sustainable, and smart South Africa, and its alternatives towards 2050. Opportunities for intelligent infrastructure and other social variables can be cultivated in numerous ways. The chosen direction will depend on the trajectory of South Africa’s social infrastructure. Numerous experts believe that global warming and other pandemics will result in more extreme climatic events; therefore, the scenarios also explore how this could challenge, stretch, or undermine the reliability and integrity of systems thinking dynamics and other components of smart infrastructure in order to operationalize South Africa’s aspirations towards 2050.

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