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South Africa’s Investments


The Big Frontiers listed in this section are the country’s articulated strategic investment attraction initiatives that are elevated as Country Strategic Investment Programmes (CSIPs) to drive the requisite levels of FDI and DDI that match the ambitions of the NDP. South Africa’s Big Frontiers have been derived through the empirical analysis and also through a ‘matrixing’ process which identified, across a range of existing strategic commitments, initiatives under the following categories of state action to promote, facilitate and enable investment:


the state can convene and cluster relevant players to ensure that investments support each other and further, that co-ordinated investor intelligence is enhanced


the state can build something that is a platform for or a significant component of a larger private sector investment (e.g., Special Economic Zones; industrial capability through the state’s Critical Infrastructure Fund)


the state can finance infrastructure that is a precondition for scaling investment (e.g., bulk infrastructure, rail and port infrastructure, road networks) and crowd-in private finance and funding through credit enhancement, tax increment financing and other mechanisms that liberate the state to build enabling infrastructure without compromising fiscal headroom


the state can unblock elements that are obstacles to investment or amend legislation to enable and drive investment. This includes streamlining and fast-tracking licensing regimes, operating permits of all kinds, spatial development frameworks and other compliance instruments, including, permission to build and visa rules for scarce skills that have been cites as bottlenecks in targeted sectors.