ISA is issuing this call for proposals to invite submissions from national and provincial government departments, State Owned Entities, public entities as well as municipalities. Infrastructure South Africa does not provide project preparation funding to private sector led infrastructure projects. To be eligible, projects and programmes must meet the following criteria:
1. ISA Mandate Fit
Projects should be in alignment with ISA’s mandate, which is to bridge the infrastructure investment gap outlined in the National Development Plan (NDP) and the National Infrastructure Plan 2050 (NIP) by aiding projects in their journey to achieve investment readiness. Priority sectors are the following:
2. Project Aims and Objectives
Projects’ strategic aims and objectives should align with national priorities and actively contribute to the realisation of sustainable developmental goals.
3. Investment Potential
Projects’ capital value should be in line with the ISA pipeline registration criteria (R1 billion+) and should have the potential to crowd in investment from alternative sources (e.g. Multilateral Development Banks, Development Finance Institutions) other than the fiscus (National Treasury).
4. Project Readiness
The project’s status should be clearly outlined (including work executed to date) and the project preparation support gap fully identified. The project sponsor will be responsible for developing the Terms of Reference for the project preparation scope of works, taking full accountability of the correctness of the identified gaps, and will be part of the project development and implementation.
Find the 5CM methodology document for reference here
(Provide a detailed description of the type of consultancy services required for the project, including the applicable regulatory bodies for the services sought, if applicable)
(Fully outline the identified project risks and limitations)
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